

  • Competition starts: 1 September 2019
  • Competition ends: 30 Sptember 2019


  • The image is published under a free cultural license approved by Wikimedia Commons (Creative Commons CC BY-SA 4.0 or more open). Wikimedia Commons is the mediarepository of the Wikimedia Foundation. Images are kept there after the competition ends, and they can be freely used under the license conditions.
  • The image can be taken at any time, but it must be uploaded during the competition period.
  • The object of the photograph must be marked in the monuments list or other eligible source. More information on the instructions page.
  • The image must be taken by the uploader.
  • The participant agrees to submit their email address in the registration information in Wikimedia Commons to be able to reach the winners.
  • The Finnish competition only accepts images taken in Finland. Competitions of other countries are introduced in the international page. It is possible to participate in the competition of the country where the image was taken.
  • The jury members, Wikimedia Finland’s staff and Board can not win prizes in the Finnish competition or participate in the international competition through the Finnish one.
  • The Finnish Heritage Agency archives a set of competition images in their permanent archives.
  • The rephotographed image must be a recreation of an existing, openly available and licensed image.
  • Rephotography image pairs participate in the Finnish competition.
  • The new images of the rephotography then-and-now pairs participate also in the international competition, if the image relates to an identified cultural heritage object.
  • Do not trespass without permission when you photograph. Remember to respect privacy.
  • The jury reserves the right to accommodate the rules.

How are the image used

The images are saved in Wikimedia Commons, a media repository used by Wikipedia and maintained by the Wikimedia Foundation. The images will remain available for reuse according to the licensing conditions.

The license used for images in the competitions is Creative Commons BY-SA 4.0 (, which allows sharing images if the on the condition that the creator is attributed, and that any possible adaptations are shared under the same license.

The license is irrevocable, but the creator will continue to hold the copyright. If for example the creator wishes is free to sell the image for a purpose that is not covered by the license.